Ep. #76: Like The Time I Learned To Sing All The Songs Backwards

Denise Eger (middle), showing off her songleading skills

Rabbi Denise Eger has been an agent of change throughout her professional life, blazing trails and being a staunch advocate for civil rights and inclusion for the LGBTQ+ community.

Some of what got her started down that path was the time she spent growing up and forming connections with her community at Henry S. Jacobs Camp in Utica, MS, where she weathered the heat and humidity of the Mississippi summers as a camper, staff member, song leader and more.

We talk about the role camp plays in growing leaders, how her own relationship with camp has changed over the years, and how camps on the whole have changed for the better to be more inclusive than they were when she was growing up in the 1970s.

Don’t waste a minute, take a listen!

Episode links:
Rabbi Denise Eger
Jacobs Camp
Mishkan Ga’avah: Where Pride Dwells

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