Ep. #68: Like the Time I Wrote Wherever You Go, There’s Always Someone Jewish

Larry with Angel Steaks 1981

Rabbi Larry Milder (left) rocking out at Camp Harlam, probably playing the Dead. Or Puff the Magic Dragon.

If you went to a Jewish summer camp, at some point you probably sang the song “Wherever You Go, There’s Always Someone Jewish”. Frankly, the song is so well known at this point you might have sung it even if you didn’t go to a Jewish camp (although that could get weird).

In an homage to the excellent podcast Song Exploder, we dive into the origins of the popular song with its creator, Rabbi Larry Milder.

Rabbi Milder walks us through how the song came to be, some of the early iterations of the lyrics, and how it has popped up in pop culture in interesting ways over the years.

Don’t waste a minute, wash your hands, and take a listen!

Episode links:
Rabbi Larry Milder
Song Exploder

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